
The lack of creativity in a technological world

In such a technological world, using smart devices became one common activity among the youngest but while it optimizes time, this behavior also shrinks their creativity. Gadgets offer immediate access to a ton of information, preventing children to learn the process of creation and to concentrate. Although this evolution is completely necessary, it should not decrease the human abilities that brought us such facilities. Since technology became a daily tool in human lives, children and teenagers have been evolved by this fascinating way of doing things. Through touching a screen, they can have quick access to any kind of information, play games, or interact with people worldwide. However, these smart devices are responsible for a lack of creativity. Without demanding much effort to show results, these gadgets prevent the process of thinking, which diminishes the creative faculty. As a teacher, I see how much my students dislike writing tasks, for instance. These activities req

Are doctors more worried about patients or money?

Medicine has always been considered a very important and well-paid profession all over the world. Currently, some people defend that doctors are more interested in earning good money than working to improve individuals' lives. Although we live an era where people extremely value their appearance, I believe most professionals still give preference to prevent diseases and save lives. When a person goes to a doctor to have something changed in their body, a lot of effort will be done to find the reason to achieve it. To illustrate, surgeons usually show the good and bad consequences of a surgical procedure. They also advise patients to focus on acquiring a healthier diet and doing exercises as a better alternative to control weight gaining and other health issues. Basically, in case a woman decides to implant silicone, for instance, the surgeon will require exams to expose her health condition before agreeing to do the surgery. No matter how much the person invests or wan

Health without meat

In the actual world, peoples' diets are divided into meat and non-meat based. Lately, scientists defend that a person can acquire the same good nutrition from meatless aliments as from animals' flash. In fact, many vegetals are carrying the same essential substances for human lives as the ones found in meat. Besides, animals' lives are also extremely important to the ecosystem so they have to be preserved. Thus, I agree that people should start adopting vegetarian-based diets. There was a time in history when vegetables and fruits were the main food human beings would eat for days. To eat meat, men had to hunt and kill the animal, which was not a simple process. I believe this proves that individuals can survive and even have good health consuming only meatless substances. These vegetals proportionate a variety of components that can provide enough for human's bodies' needs.  Nevertheless, animals are proved to have a huge impact on the earth's susta

Education for the new era

To improve the development of a country its government has to invest money and effort in the three most important areas: health, safety, and education. The last one is essential to guarantee better results in the two others. For that reason, education is considered a priority in terms of progress. Thus, I agree that this field is the mean focus of any government interested in national growth. Investing in good professionals and offering great physical structure are ways to achieve better education levels in any society. Researchers demonstrate that keeping engaged teachers in the classroom is the big responsible to overcome lack of attention and disinterest from students. Therefore, accomplishing efficient effects in intellectual improvement is more likely to happen through well-educated professors. Besides, due to a solid background, professionals are more confident and aware of their responsibilities. Although to attain this quality education level, governments have to pay b